Kerry business center project is located in the sea before the roof at a height of 150 metres, steel up to 11 meters, power plant EPC construction risk is high, the construction is difficult. Solar photovoltaic net news: on September 28, former sea kerry business center 160 k W distributed photovoltaic roof project smoothly connected to the grid, marks the first level distributed photovoltaic power generation projects in the sea before officially put into operation. Sea power supply before considering building roof structure, architectural appearance, power plant EPC ability to resist wind, photovoltaic modules, system interconnection, construction safety and operational stage, high standard design and high quality construction, to ensure the project construction schedule and construction object synchronization construction planning and design of synchronization, synchronization. The article content is for reference only. Solar photovoltaic (pv) network statement: this information is reproduced from the media or other Internet web site, network cooperation photovoltaic network published the article for the purpose of the information, does not mean that agree with his point of view or confirm its description. Before the project by the shenzhen sea snake mouth free trade area power supply co. , LTD. ( Hereinafter referred to as & other; Before the sea power supply & throughout; ) Project investment construction, the plate heat exchanger type parameters will produce green clean electricity 160000 kilowatt-hours per year. Henan wind power projects according to the plan, the project adopted & other; More than distributed access, spontaneous for private use, power generation projects throughout the Internet & electricity; Given pattern, photovoltaic power generation will be most used for the former sea kerry business centre daily operation, power projects surplus power smart grid into the sea before. This paper statistics the September to today issued a total of 2. 85 gw pv power plant EPC and 1. 9 gw component bid opening information. In the high-rise building roof photovoltaic glass in kerry projects have helped sea before business center level LEED platinum certification in advance and get the United States green building three star logo certification. Specifically, CGNPC in development of 410 mw, 603 mw, guangzhou energy saving 220 mw, 345 mw, jin can group the people vote for 200 mw, 190 mw hubei energy group, huaneng 180 mw smooth construction and safe operation of the project, further improve the former sea power supply investment construction and operational management level of photovoltaic power generation project. Sea power supply before the mixed ownership enterprises, as the country's first increment distribution field practice before the sea green low carbon development concept, is committed to the high reliability of the smart grid and distributed photovoltaic (pv), energy storage high cohesion, by mixing with the integration of information systems, intelligent distribution scheduling in distributed energy, make the power grid more safe, reliable, green and efficient. Among them, the EPC project owner units is given priority to with soe/state, this also reflected from the side, in project bidding and parity, the state-owned enterprises have become the absolute main force. Before the sea kerry business center roof photovoltaic project is the first power supply and kerry properties ( The Hong Kong stock exchange: 683) In the former sea according to & other; The Hong Kong construction mode & throughout; To explore the practice of the first pv projects.