More than 1 billion disabled people around the world, they need to care and dignity, also want to into the mainstream society. A similar story in Europe and in China, public opinion, helped a feed-in tariff policy. Is worth to share, I am currently in Chicago, Illinois rehabilitation center for treatment, with the help of the rehabilitation team, both spirit and body recovered well. From the accident has been more than in the past five months, the principle of solar energy work homemade diode during this period, I had the surgery and ice storage course design is now in the rehabilitation treatment, but the process is relatively long. Many states in the United States, it is also a lot of ordinary people affected the policy makers, produce a series of related to renewable energy policy, including: renewable energy portfolio standards, net measurement and solar renewable energy certification programs and so on. Thirdly comprehension, homemade diode from my current in a rehabilitation center in Chicago. I am here every day will see a lot of weight different disabled patients. Close watching them to success in the rehabilitation experience challenges, on the road, trying to find the hope of tomorrow, let me more a respect for people with disabilities.
actually saving or not is not important for artest, I believe that both high quality and cost-effective artest double component, will still be the solar energy is one of the most competitive products on the market. Resistance and long road is coming! Ice storage course design content are for reference only. 'Photovoltaic (pv) of the world' this is a comprehensive system to introduce the development of photovoltaic (pv) in the past, present and future the sum of the corpus, wide-ranging, can meet the needs of different readers. But as I see you, when 7. 6 million people took to the streets to protest marches, express their concern over the issue of climate change and aspirations, I know that we have a lot of work to do! 。 Record from 185 countries of the world's total of 7. 6 million people took to the streets to demand significant emergency action on climate change. Solar photovoltaic (pv) network statement: this information is reproduced from the media or other Internet web site, network cooperation photovoltaic network published the article for the purpose of the information, does not mean that agree with his point of view or confirm its description.
the first step we need to do, is to provide assistance in their power for the disabled. This paper not only includes editor Wolfgang & middot; Dr Parr, herself, in its new energy career of more than 50 years, the deep understanding of the development of photovoltaic (pv) and system summary, also include the global photovoltaic industry professionals engaged in new energy or a review of the photovoltaic difficult development, people the positive actions taken by the act, all be renewable energy worldwide have large-scale application & quot; Because is a new technology, there is no any company in the United States production of double-sided components, imports of double component will not cause any competition to the manufacturers, at the same time have a positive impact on American clean energy development. And let me have a lot of time to meditate. I also deeply shaken and encouragement, I believe that people all over the world has always been to promote environmental protection, energy transformation and the power source of action on climate change. The U. S. trade representative's office ( USTR) Had decided in June exempted 201 tariffs on imported double photovoltaic components, I think this is a right decision! Artest currently employs 72 people with disabilities, but it is not enough, I'm sure we will do more, at the same time I also will can call for our customers, suppliers, daikin air panel diagrams more partners and friends doing something for disabled people, give them love and encouragement. 18 years ago, I founded artest, through the use of solar energy to solve environmental, social and economic problems, make solar energy into the homes, let the future generations to enjoy a more clean and beautiful earth! However, the global energy and low carbon transformation path, renewable energy development way is still a long way to go, we have a lot of things to do. A powerful driving force & quot; Solar photovoltaic (pv) net news: the following text, translated from artest sunshine power group chairman Dr Officer of LinkedIn. Heat treatment plant near the irony is, however, the United States REC and First Solar as the Solar energy enterprise requires the government to remove tariffs on imported double component exemption lobbying the two largest companies, most of its products are not manufactured in the United States, and they also do not have double component manufacturing capability. Mountains, I am RON artest in the past 18 years proud of contribution to improve the earth's environment. Without the support of the people all over the world, we could not get rid of fossil fuels has made so much progress.