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GSL ENERGY deeply cooperated with ALIBABA B2B group platform to be Verified Supplier

GSL ENERGY deeply cooperated with ALIBABA B2B group platform to be Verified Supplier

After over 10 years’ cooperation, GSL Energy finally made a decision to cooperate with ALIBABA B2B platform’s Verified Supplier in 2020.
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Alibaba.com will send professional team to help GSL ENERGY to make professional factory and products video to let all overseas clients to know GSL ENERGY powerwall lifepo4 battery products well next 10 years.

news-GSL ENERGY deeply cooperated with ALIBABA B2B group platform to be Verified Supplier-GSL ENERGY

“We finally decide to huge Alibaba.com company, after over 10 years cooperation to work with. ALIBABA.COM is the best B2B platform to promote and brand GSL energy advanced powerwall lifepo4 battery products after COVID-19 happened at the beginning of 2020. “, said by MR. JIM DENG, CEO OF GSL ENERGY. “ With accident of COVID-19, we have a lot overseas clients who cannot visit us as planned. This is a nightmare to GSL ENERGY at all because GSL ENERGY POWERWALL products belongs to industrial products and each client should be trained well before installation. Without visiting and seeing GSL ENERGY POWERWALL products, many overseas clients are hesitate to place orders to try at first. “

Luckily, ALIBABA.COM B2B team knew this issue and visited GSL ENERGY on May 2020. After knowing GSL ENERGY great green energy products, ALIBABA.COM sales manager in Shenzhen Mr. Li Yunhai suggested GSL ENERGY chose verified supplier service to promote company products to all global clients in alibaba.com website platform.  GSL ENERGY powerwalls are amazing products in solar ESS application. We should help them to be a global brand asap. At present, over 2 billion overseas clients are sourcing products from alibaba.com and buy what they want happily after everything is stopped by COVID-19.”

After becoming alibaba.com golden companies, alibaba will send SGS group to audit GSL ENERGY company real situation on finance, production capability, workers quality, product QC quality , company risk and issue official and trustable company reports to let all gbobal clients to know GSL ENERGY closely.

I strong believe that after seeing our video, clients will place big more orders to us in the future.

Our powerwall products are sold to over 56 countries via alibaba.com platform now.

It is a win-win cooperation with each other in fact. GSL ENERGY will be top famous ESS brand to let more clients to cooperate and trust alibaba.com products.

Clients can visit alibaba.com to search GSL ENERG and download GSL ENERGY factory capability reports and trust GSL ENERGY powerwall products in the future.

40HQ container, Done!
GSL ENERGY will attend 128th Online Canton fair from Oct 15-25, 2020
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 Service Tel: +86-755-84515360
 Address: A602, Tianan Cyber Park, Huangge North Road, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China
GSL ENERGY - A leader of green energy provider in china since 2011

0086 13923720280

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