The original title: selling counterfeit 'the term' solar products the defendant received probation with the hotel after the signing of solar products sales installation contracts, solar portal, but Song Mou from unknown sources low purchasing counterfeit brand instead. Yesterday, not ended district court court for selling counterfeit registered trademark of low-quality commodities sentences together.
in February 2017, the solar energy, solar energy portal, solar panels, the defendant signed with a hotel xi 'an Song Mou heat pump hot water heating system product sales installation contract, agreed upon by the supply header, 'the term' engineering thermal vacuum tubes, offer 10. 60000 yuan. Song Mou learned in 'the term' solar market sale price, for benefit, to 36640 yuan from unknown sources to buy counterfeit 'the term' brand of solar products. After 3 months later, buy by the party inspection found that the batch of products there may be a problem. To fake at the scene of the public security organs after received the alarm, 'the term' trademark 'sunrain' set of 202 cases, engineering thermal vacuum tube header 20 cases. Sunrise east solar energy co. , LTD. Of the holders of the trademark has decided that the above product sales price of 22. 160000 yuan, belong to the infringement of the right to exclusive use of a registered trademark of counterfeit goods.
not ended district court thinks, solar panels, the defendant Song Mou knowingly be counterfeited registered trademark goods sales, the amount is larger, its behavior constituted a law of the People's Republic of China criminal law 'the two hundred and fourteenth regulation of goods selling counterfeit registered trademark crime. In view of the defendant pleaded guilty to forfeit, have surrendered plot, and has been murdered unit and buy the understanding, the recipient positive pay a fine, in consideration of the above circumstances of the crime and the defendant after the prosecution organ of sentencing suggestion, sentenced the defendant Song Mou prison for six months, suspended for a year, five fine. 30000 yuan.
( Coordinating editor: GuYan, deng nan)