Editor's note: Europe's largest solar photovoltaic power station built in Spain, the project has to break the record of renewable energy. This includes the installation in the whole development projects of 1. 43 million solar panels, 115 inverter and two substations, with millions of small components.
, according to the weekly reports of Europe's largest solar photovoltaic power station ( solarPV) Finally completed in Spain.
Iberdrola company responsible for the production and supply of this power station, solar power network, completed the project in a year, a record for this kind of power station construction time. It's called Nunez DE Balboa project, the ecological transformation of debugging permission.
the national grid & ndash; — Known as the Spanish electricity company ( 稀土元素) — — Has already begun testing solar portal, if these tests pass, the plant will start operation in early 2020.
Nunez DE Balboa has a large 500 mw of installed capacity, solar panels, attracted more than 300 million euros of capital investment. Iberdrola, says it is all in order to revive the green energy in the near future in Spain. In addition, the company plans in 2022 before the esther ray gerardo to install 3000 mw of generating capacity.
the entire photovoltaic power plant covers an area of more than 1000 hectares, with Usagre, Hinojosa del Valle and Bienvenida power station. In Ecoenergias del Guadiana part, the project has to break the record of renewable energy. This includes the installation in the whole development projects of 1. 43 million solar panels, 115 inverter and two substations, they have millions of smaller components.
in the economy, the project has to Spanish ace trey gerardo surrounding areas has brought a considerable boost. The project requires more than 1200 employees working in the peak, 70% of them from esther ray gerardo locally.
this development also has a positive impact on the value chain, as many as 30 vendors involved in the project, most of which are local suppliers. The purchase amount from these companies close to 2. 2. 7 billion euros.
in the future, the photovoltaic power station will be producing clean energy, solar power network, and provide electricity to 250000 people a year. This is equivalent to the sum of Sparta and caceres about population. It can also reduce each year about 21. 50000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.
originally, Iberdrola won the European investment bank ( EIB) And Spain's main financial company & ndash; — Spanish credit institutions ( ICO) The financial support.
as the long-term power purchase agreement ( PPAs) Portal implementation of solar energy, will be dedicated to the company and its power station for Banks, retail and telecommunications industry to create a more sustainable future large customers to provide clean energy.
the original title: 500 mw! Europe's largest photovoltaic power station built in Spain