Scientists have invented a new type of solar cells, to indoor environment lighting into electrical energy. Small solar cells were exposed to 1000 - lux light intensity can be 26. 1% of the light into electrical energy. Chest back fixed pieces of the battery light absorption layer with a mixture of donor and receptor materials, these materials in regulating cell flexibility, they in the light of different wavelengths of light are optimized. The team, said the work to can be used in the daily life of the solar cell has a great deal of hope. Their development of organic solar cells, solar panels is although they produce energy is very low, but can provide enough energy for the Internet of things devices?
the larger the efficiency of solar cells was 23%. Dual computer hot standby software price the team plans to take the time to optimize for panel materials. The team also points out that it have the confidence to further improve efficiency. Solar power simple principle it from 200 to 1000 - lux light environment provide 1 v voltage current, dual machine thermal photovoltaic power station for the software data collector for more than 1000 hours. Scientists describe the two kinds of organic solar panels, solar power is simple principle, an area of 1 square centimeters, solar photovoltaic products is another 4 square centimeters. The team to create flexible organic solar cells, low manufacturing cost, is suitable for manufacturing large surface in the printing press. This organic solar panels for a variety of electronic equipment is a major event, helps the family more green all over the world. Along with the expansion of the Internet of things, in the public space, and family, will be millions of equipment need electricity to run. Power generation glass where there is