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forced to unwind foreign exchange refers to traders to unwind positions were forced, that is to say, traders can't hold the positions. So how to fry to grasp the chance to unwind foreign exchange? In which many investors want to use a method to grasp more opportunities to unwind, just like the one on the technical analysis indicators, once index reached a certain value can confirm in this case can be liquidated, but regret is currently on the sidelines will when there is no this kind of technology, and as long as not too much to pursue the relevant precision, so there is some way, we might as well take a look at together. Method one: cast high method
in such a way that is refers to investors at the time of buying currency, has been for the currency to define a profit target price, once the currency price reached the goal, an investor can unwind, generally use the stages of the investment strategy of investors, most of the cases, that is, using monetary fundamentals or the combination of technical analysis, such as the form and the other with gold thread, or the average line for analysis, solar panels, so that it can give a reasonable target price, after waiting for the currency of this price can be liquidated.
method 2: top positions method
such an approach is not sure to give yourself a target price, solar portal, has been open to the foreign currency price display, second see throw out when there are signs, generally adopts the strategy of such a foreign exchange positions, investors usually are some technical analysis method is used to determine signs, mainly from foreign exchange movements form and prices to determine.
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cicc's online exchange network statement: cicc online foreign exchange net reprint the above content, does not indicate that confirms its description, only reference for investors, solar energy, does not constitute investment advice. Investors on the basis of the operation, own risk.
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