Household photovoltaic net news: American Minnesota recently introduced new building codes, solar portal, roof edge can't install photovoltaic modules within three feet, at the same time also need to design a certain width between the pv array of channel, channel for firefighters and emergency workers. The new rules came as Minnesota has just enacted by quarantine regulations issued to prevent outbreak and spread, in this case in the installation of photovoltaic (pv) is inherently difficult to achieve, solar portal, and Minnesota photovoltaic subsidies and investment tax credit will be at the end of next year, hot domestic software in the development of the market to be even tougher. Photovoltaic stents manufacturing enterprises, according to industry personnel photovoltaic stents manufacturing enterprises into effect today's new rules are expected to reduce at least 20% of households with photovoltaic installations. In contrast to Minnesota, California requires all three layers and the following new housing since 2020 must be installed in a photovoltaic system. Residents can still benefit from household photovoltaic (pv), although the regulation reduces with the size of the power station, solar energy water heater controller hot domestic software but today the efficiency of the photovoltaic modules is 10% higher than a few years ago 20%. Wood Mackenzie forecast pv installed 20 GW is expected in 2020 the United States, photovoltaic total installed capacity over the next five years will more than double, China solar energy network, household photovoltaic will occupy one-third of the market. Minnesota is still the leading region of renewable energy, is only in photovoltaic (pv) in the state has a small market, with the progress of technology, now the small power plant capacity are often higher than the large photovoltaic power plant of a few years ago. In addition, the solar photovoltaic (pv) network, several other provisions of the new regulations also may be reduced with the application of photovoltaic market.
the rules is expected to reduce as much as 30% or more of the related enterprises, the installed cost will rise 10% 30%. 2019 U. S. photovoltaic installations of the top ten states, generally using photovoltaic (pv) power is very considerable. Someone said, solar equipment, chest plate thickness install photovoltaic (pv) in the small house has no longer makes economic sense, unless the installation of a certain number of pv modules, premise is, however, need to have more houses.