Solar photovoltaic webex: main Wacker Chemie polysilicon manufacturers still affected by weak demand in the firm, especially in China, polysilicon prices continue to fall, is lower than the manufacturing cost.
Wacker polysilicon department, according to a report in the second quarter of 2019 the income of 1. 69. 9 billion euros, down 30% from a year earlier. The company in its quarterly report pointed out that the cause of the decline is: & other; The average price of sun level polysilicon is decreased obviously. Compared with the same period last year, a drop in sales, also has brought the sales account. “
although ASP is reduced, reduced the volume of shipment, plus inventory write-down, Wacker, said the ongoing polysilicon production is still in a state of full capacity.
in the first half of this year on the implementation of polysilicon production cost has been greatly improved in the second quarter of EBITDA. Wacker polysilicon business report EBITDA of 5. 7 million euros, a fall of 85% from a year earlier, but better than the first quarter of 2019 increased by 48% EBITDA negative 35. 8 million euros.
management in financial report: & other; Overall, we still have the confidence to achieve the 2019 target in years. But as the economic slowdown and China solar market has not been recovery, EBITDA is likely to close to the bottom of the expected range. We are trying to optimize the factors in our business, we can influence Most importantly, our cost and production efficiency. We will continue to unswervingly pursue these goals. “
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