The current trend of single crystal has been established, China solar energy network, solar portal, P type battery lift effect slow progress, N type battery efficiency improvement potential. 2) Using PVD coating link sedimentary TCO conductive film; 4) Need to control the low temperature sintering sintering process. 2) Paste mainly from reduction and reduction, cost reduction space future reduction were 40%, 30% price cut space space; The article content is for reference only. And the PERC technology difference is that: 1) Amorphous silicon thin film deposition process, solar net, use PECVD or RPD deposition technique eigen hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer type and P/N hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer; Heterojunction cell forbidden band width of 1. 7 - 1. 9 ev, homogeneity is far higher than silicon section 1 of the battery. 12 ev and heterojunction battery has the high open circuit voltage, solar energy, which has high efficiency of battery. Solar cell conversion efficiency can be expressed as the open circuit voltage, short circuit current and fill factor is the product of three parameters. Among them, the EPC project owner units is given priority to with soe/state, in power station and this is reflected from the side, in project bidding and parity, the state-owned enterprises have become the absolute main force. Currently has production or plan production HJT battery nearly 20 enterprises, mostly is still in its pilot stage. At the same time because of the low efficient failure, whole life cycle of HJT capacity is higher than the PERC, makes the final leveling of both KWH cost is basically the same. Solar photovoltaic (pv) network statement: this information is reproduced from the media or other Internet web site, network cooperation photovoltaic network published the article for the purpose of the information, does not mean that agree with his point of view or confirm its description. The heterojunction battery costs mainly from silicon ( 47%) , chest back how fixed size ( 24%) , depreciation, 6%) , the target material ( 5%) 。 Heterojunction cell step four core technology for cleaning cloth with soft nap, plate heat exchanger model parameters of amorphous silicon thin film deposition, conductive film, printing electrode and sintering. This paper statistics the September to today issued a total of 2. 85 gw pv power plant EPC and 1. 9 gw component bid opening information. 2 - planning capacity is expected in the future Three years gradually fall to the ground, HJT industrial chain maturity will increase quickly, so as to push down prices for equipment and materials, power plant maintenance procedures make HJT economy advantage. Looking forward to the future, we believe that the photovoltaic industry the most anticipated change lies in the link of p-type battery to N type batteries, including heterojunction cell with its high efficiency, authors potential photovoltaic industry the most potential to become the next big wind.
photovoltaic industry chain in recent years, rapid development is the essence of technology to drive the authors work. Current global planning capacity exceeds 10 gigawatts (gw), the actual capacity of about 2 gw. 3) Depreciation, the unit capacity is 2 times the PERC equipment investment, the future can be reduced to the same as the PERC. Specifically, silicon material in the wide development of 410 mw nuclear 603 mw, guangzhou, chest plate thickness of energy saving of 220 mw, 345 mw, jin can group the people vote for 200 mw, 190 mw hubei energy group, huaneng HJT is higher than 180 mw in the component investing the PERC, but because HJT efficiency is higher, the component number is less, stents and investment is lower than the PERC inverter and so on the components, finally the total initial investment in power station 10% higher than the PERC. Plate heat exchanger model parameters (3) Using low temperature silver paste printing electrode area is required; Specific view: 1) Silicon space mainly from silicon wafer thinning cost reduction, the future thinned 45% space; The open circuit voltage depends on the built-in electric field intensity, solar portal, then ultimately depends on the forbidden band width of material itself.