Conventional single crystal cell RMB price for RMB 0. $84 / W, price stability in the US $0. 11/W。 Solar photovoltaic (pv) network statement: this information is reproduced from the power grid cooperation media or other Internet web site, new power plant project of solar energy photovoltaic network published the article for the purpose of the information, does not mean that agree with his point of view or confirm its description. Mobile power station using the methods of the photovoltaic (pv) world 'this is a comprehensive system to introduce photovoltaic summary of past, present and future of the development of corpus, wide-ranging, cabinet back what can meet the needs of different readers. The article content is for reference only. Chest type back products latest offer still serve US $$0. 14/W。 Efficient monocrystalline cells in RMB quotation is RMB 1 / W, variable amplitude for - 0. 99%; This paper not only includes editor Wolfgang & middot; Dr Parr, herself, in its new energy career of more than 50 years, the deep understanding of the development of photovoltaic (pv) and system summary, also include the global photovoltaic industry professionals engaged in new energy or a review of the photovoltaic difficult development, on the cell, a new power plant project conventional polycrystalline cell RMB price for RMB 0. 83 / W; For an average of US $$0. 107 / W, and last week quotation are consistent. Efficient monocrystalline cells in the latest quotation for RMB still 0. 94/W; Prices remain at US $$0. 15/W。