Under high temperature, the solar water heater temperature rise quickly, coupled with the long time of exposure, water temperature can reach 90 ℃. Citizens in the use of solar energy water heater to take a bath, be careful, pay attention to the first open the cold water valve, avoid hot water scald.
the evening of August 12, petrochemical hospital acute ushered a burns only 10 months old baby, the family in the process of give the baby a bath, because at that time the negligence, lead to the child's double lower limbs by solar energy water heater water scald, burn wound up to 6%. Is responsible for the treatment of the patient's physician wang chao said, 'this summer, our hospital has received a number of solar water heater hot water scald patients, now the temperature is higher, for a long time under the scorching sun exposure, the solar water heater in the water temperature can be close to the temperature of boiling water, so must be careful when using solar water heater, especially the elderly and young children, must be more careful when bathing, prevent burns. '
wang chao warns broad citizen, when use the solar water heater water bath should open the cold water valve first, then slowly open the hot water valve, outlet should not be towards the body, towards a container, best to adjust water temperature to 40 ℃, and began to wash bath; As much as possible the height of the solar energy water heater switch should be higher than the height of the two years old children stretched out his hand to touch, don't let the children can easily touch or open.
every summer and is burn during the Spring Festival peak, more vulnerable to scald burn is weak women and children and other groups. Wang chao said that at the moment when the high temperature season, people wear less clothes, a lot of skin exposed, it is easy to hydrothermal heat source such as hot burns, families with children, should let the children away from the heat source, pay attention to the small details of life, such as hot water bottle, bowl of porridge soup pot, do not put enough to get away from children.
'in the event of burns, the first to use cold water cooling, and bring the residual heat, and keep the wound clean, do not scribble items such as toothpaste, immediately took to burn patients with specialized subject hospital. If is to be scalded children, more want to be taken to a hospital, because of young children, burns too words will cause its low blood volume shock, need timely and rehydration, otherwise it will be very dangerous. 'Wang chao explained,' under the high temperature exposure, concrete temperature can even cook eggs, we exploded by cement ground burn patients, most of them disabled old man, fall after he couldn't climb up, cause skin is in contact with the cement floor burns, and burn surface. '
in fact hot dog days, many who is gentle, long after the sun exposure is dangerous, easily touch is easy to burn, such as asphalt and outdoor lights, bench, fitness equipment, such as under the summer sun exposure surface temperature is very high, also easy to cause burns.
( Journalists are)