Polaris solar photovoltaic net news: the U. S. department of energy (doe) solar energy technology office announced that support U. S. energy materials ( EMC) The company promote perovskite photovoltaic components research and development. ( Source: WeChat public the pv test network ID: TestPV) The U. S. department of energy (doe) announced on November 1. $2. 8 billion solar energy research and development funding, earlier this month announced a $10. 7 million to support the American academy of electric power grid technology research. The decision to grant support EMC company efficient and stable perovskite photovoltaic modules of production plan. Using existing Eastman industrial test facilities, New York, China solar power network, the program will show the perovskite device on the thin as paper flexible glass high-speed printing process, including usually are done by expensive vacuum deposition technology of transparent conductor layer. Finally, EMC will be continuous high volume production line manufacturing blocks BackbonePV perovskite components. EMC company thinks, pv modules need an extensible and continuously new manufacturing technology, make solar energy an important in the global energy generation. EMC high-speed printing process of photovoltaic components manufacturing costs can be reduced by 95%, solar panels, and the efficient components sales price 50% lower. Ultra low cost allows gw factory in the United States and around the world quickly copy, meet local demand, support industry 0. 02 $/ KWH of targets. The United Nations 2050 emissions targets required in the next 30 years from the current 700 gw pv installed to expand to more than 16 tw. In order to achieve this goal, should not only rely on the existing component technologies, like EMC companies urgently need to implement this type of manufacturing innovation. Department of energy (doe) solar energy technology office in fiscal year 2019 financing plan aims to invest in new projects, solar power generation to reduce costs, improve the photovoltaic cells, components, and the system's performance and reliability, reduce the material and processing cost, solar energy, at the same time is committed to promoting solar manufacturing, reduce process, photovoltaic (pv) grid, solar panels, solar system can better adapt to a grid. EMC corporation, as the representative of the perovskite photovoltaic applications received the funding support. The original title: research and development of government funds perovskite whispering