\"The thing of death may never die.
\"It\'s easy to be one of the best lines (
And episode title)
The Game of Thrones series from HBO.
While this sentence may be correct for Ironborn, it is not so appealing for the battery. Lithium-
Ion batteries power a large number of consumer electronics and have even entered hybrid and electric vehicles.
But unlike ordinary AA and AAA alkaline batteries, lithium-
The ion batteries of your electronics can be very expensive to replace. Lithium-ion (Li-ion)
The battery is rechargeable, but even the rechargeable battery has a limited number of cycles before it starts to degrade.
Over time, they need a longer time to power on and lose their charge faster.
See how they work.
So, if lithium
The ion battery in your smartphone has grown better and you can try to get it back to life before spending money to replace it.
If your battery can no longer be charged and is consuming very fast, you can save it by fully charging.
You need to run out of battery completely in order for it to work, so once it reaches zero percentage, keep turning it on until it doesn\'t even have enough power to start.
Now, plug in the power cord (
To the power socket)
Charge the battery for at least 48 hours.
If the battery you are trying to fix is used with the device you use every day, you will want to do so on weekends, or find a backup that can be used for a few days. Jump-
Sometimes you just need a little push to really get started, and for electronics that push is called a jumpstart.
You may have to jump unless you have incredible driving luck
Drive a car or two, the process of lithium-
Ion batteries are very similar (
But not so dangerous).
Warning: handling cloth lines can always be dangerous, so be careful before you start to make sure you fully understand the process.
Remove the battery from the device and write down the negative and positive feed.
Find a USB cable that you don\'t mind sacrificing, cut off the smaller end or B connector to reveal the front (red)and negative (black)wires inside.
Plug the cable into the computer and contact the exposed wires to the corresponding feed on the battery.
The battery should recover after a period of time and be able to charge.
Please check the video for more details.
Here is another example of using a laptop battery pack.
If you are bold enough, you can try the next option. . .
If your battery is really damaged, you can fix it yourself with a soldering iron (
A little more confidence).
Again, I have to warn you that there are some inherent risks to dealing with batteries and electronics, so be careful.
The battery in the video below is rechargeable lithium-
Ion battery in laptop battery pack.
Since the positive pole on the battery is not in contact with the internal power supply, the entire battery pack becomes useless.
To repair the connection, Furu Levi welded a ring on the front end of the battery for contact.
Check out his video guide below to get to know the process step by step.
As a last resort. .
If you want to be cautious and make sure your battery will work, buy a new one.
Price of lithium-
Due to the influx of small electronic devices, demand has increased over the past few years and ion batteries have dropped significantly.
You can search online using your product number or visit a local retailer to find the exact battery you need for your device.
Are there any other suggestions for dealing with bad batteries?
Let us know in the comments below.