Orient liters ( 300118). Components: performance in line with expectations, leading role has become increasingly significant yihong, northeast securities from a Hu Shuang company released 2017 annual report, the reporting period the company achieve the business income is 114. 500 million yuan, an increase of 63. Female net 6 21%, buy now. 5 billion yuan, year-on-year decline in 5. Mother to net profit 67%, realizing the buckle not 6. 4. 6 billion yuan, rose 25. 62%. Companies publish a quarterly in 2018, in the first quarter revenues 20. 800 million yuan, rose 25. 87%, realize to female net profit of 80. 18 million yuan, rose 3. 86%. Rapid revenue growth, a steady improvement in profitability: as of late 2017, the company has capacity of 6 components. 6 gw, including 3. 5 gw for production in the second half of 2017. In 2017 the total output of implementation component 3. 08 gw, volume 2. 8 igw, basic implementation in production with sales. Companies in overseas markets to develop constantly results, 51 overseas revenue in 2017. 500 million yuan, in the income proportion of 44. 7 gg %, year-on-year increase. 31%, as the global photovoltaic power strong, 2018 overseas income proportion is expected to increase to more than 50%. Strengthen power plant operations and EPC layout, new profit contribution: since 2017, the company successively completed 'sea snake PAM with 99 mw fishing light complementary projects' such as power grid. At the same time of consolidate the overseas power station of building area, promote, including Nepal, Bangladesh, southeast Asia and other global photovoltaic power station development investment scale. Is expected to take advantage of the battery and component manufacturing, power plant operation and EPC business will gradually expand the scale and proportion increase in profits. Capacity continued to expand, creating components leading position: in December 2017, the company announced in jintan construction SGW photovoltaic battery and component manufacturing base. In February 2018, the company information bulletin and yiwu photoelectric high-tech industrial park management committee SGW photovoltaic battery components production base investment framework agreement. Jintan issue 2 gw project will be completed by the end of the first half of 2018, two production bases all company is expected to have component capacity after 16. 5 gigawatts (gw), will be the absolute leading components field, with the help of powerful channels at home and abroad and products of the company advantages, product market share will continue to ascend. The profit forecast: 2018 - it is expected that the company 2020 EPS is 0, respectively. 91, 1. 6 and 1. 28 yuan, to maintain overweight rating. Risk tip: pv installed below expectations, overseas policy risk.