It’s really busy month in May,GSL team attends many solar shows around the world.
First, we attend the Solar Show MENA in Egypt during 9th to 10th,more and more customers are interested in the solar system,especially the wall battery and rack battery.
Second,it’s the Future Energy show in Philippines during 15th to 16th ,it’s great successful to meet old and new customers at our booth.
Third, it’s the Green Power show in Poland during 16th to 18th ,GSL engineer Mr.Stone shows customers how to test the battery before sending out,smart bluetooth function,and OEM service.
Next is the Solar Africa show in Kenya,it’s booming market for solar system,GSL team hope to meet you if you need professional solution for solar business projects.
GSL battery will become more and more popular in world market,and helps to make ours own contribution to the development of green energy in the world.