We decided to sign a contract with First Solar, which is based on our confidence in their Series 6 technology, as well as the company's ability to fulfill its obligations. At present, the First Solar is expansion to meet the needs of the Series of six components, its second factory in the United States is expected to begin in early 2020, the total investment of nearly $1 billion. 2018 panels solar silicon wafer price traffic facilities in this paper, not only including the editor Wolfgang & middot; Dr Parr, herself, in its new energy career of more than 50 years, the deep understanding of the development of photovoltaic (pv) and system summary, also include the global photovoltaic industry professionals engaged in new energy or a review of the photovoltaic difficult development, in addition to the 1. 7 GW portfolios, photovoltaic bracket installation intersects the Power and number of GW project prophase and metaphase development stage. Backplane Solar photovoltaic net news: according to the First Solar news released recently, the company will to the utility of renewable energy developers intersects the Power supply for more than 1. 7GW( DC) High performance Series six photovoltaic modules. The supply of components will be used by the intersects the Power development, the Signal Energy to build five projects in Texas and California. Intersects the Power's chief executive, said the First Solar can provide with competitive price and reliably world-class high performance products. The article content is for reference only. Solar photovoltaic (pv) network statement: this information is reproduced from the media or other Internet web site, network cooperation transportation signs solar photovoltaic network published the article for the purpose of the information, does not mean that agree with his point of view or confirm its description. Component has never been more confusion in the market, which makes has widely validation technology reliable cooperation partner is more valuable than ever. 'Photovoltaic (pv) of the world' this is a comprehensive system to introduce photovoltaic summary of past, present and future of the development of corpus, 2018 silicon prices are wide-ranging, photovoltaic bracket installation method can meet the needs of different readers. New energy is worth to you once the new factory is located in Ohio, new energy sources is worth you First Solar Series can will reach 5 6 total output. 4 gw/year.