For example, they may set their system automatically sell 10% of its stored energy, photovoltaic bracket installation drawing mountains and only under the condition of the battery charging at least half will do so. The researchers pointed out that the unique characteristic of ship can provide this service. The working principle of this technology and Indonesia is gradually promoting micro grid is very similar to & ndash; — The micro grid also includes the pv systems are used to collect the energy and the stored energy of lithium ion battery. With this algorithm, the owner can decide when to sell electricity, and how much they want to sell. Electric cars generally does not have its own solar system. These hybrid micro power grid by collecting energy photovoltaic solar panels and stored energy of lithium ion battery. What is the solar street light with this new method, the Indonesian government can use the ships of transporting food and supplies to provide power. Therefore, the electric car can't be like a boat to the grid power supply, and can only learn from energy?
in order to achieve this kind of application, they need a photovoltaic system with its own electric ship, when the boat floats, the system can give a ship of the battery. In developed countries, as long as the flick of a switch concentrated solar thermal light will pour in the room; Hot plating equipment, for example, before 2018, diesel generator can only every day for his Indonesia east kalimantan province area residents to provide power for 4 hours. But the most remote island in Indonesia, the power supply is neither simple nor easy. Their experiments, they found that the algorithm can be reliably manage power flow, make the electric ship after sailing to peak load support directly to the grid. In addition, when the ship is in port, it can serve as a small power plant, supply power for the island's family. If Indonesia suffered natural disasters, what is the solar street light these micro grid can also destroyed, photovoltaic bright spot and even existing electrified island of Indonesia will also be affected. They in the lab with a micro grid, tested the algorithm will be 4 pieces of 6 v gel battery connection into a 24 v battery combination, as a ship's double. Recently, researchers at the university of new south wales in Sydney, Australia created an algorithm that can theoretically electric ships into small renewable energy power plants. As long as gently press the button, the TV will be buzzing & ndash; — If you have a TV set so. German pv magazine reported, in June 2018, a government-backed organization installation of the new hybrid grid, makes the residents can enjoy power throughout the day. However, between the key difference is that portability. At present, this concept is still in its infancy, but the university of new south wales, the team is expected in the near future, they will use a real electric ship to test the algorithm, and out of the lab and toward the ocean.