'Photovoltaic (pv) of the world' this is a comprehensive system to introduce the development of photovoltaic (pv) in the past, present and future the sum of the corpus, wide-ranging, can meet the needs of different readers. Whether the current local photovoltaic manufacturing capacity or project reserves, greater probability can meet the target of installed in recent years, is expected to even smoothly promulgated the draft, for large floating ground and the influence of the power station project also too won't big, but promote the process of large projects be born in the short term, in order to get cut before electricity price subsidies. As the power demand is growing at about 10% a year, Vietnam need to add 3 every year. 5 - 4 gw of installed power. According to energy conservation center in ho chi minh city institute, said Vietnam's department of trade and industry has submitted a draft of the proposed large photovoltaic projects feed-in tariffs by 20%. In Vietnam, 2020 - set by the government 2030 pv installed capacity planning objectives, plans to photovoltaic capacity reach 2025 gw 4, but only in the first half of 2019, 630 former interconnection project has more than this number. This paper not only includes editor Wolfgang & middot; Dr Parr, herself, in its new energy career of more than 50 years, the deep understanding of the development of photovoltaic (pv) and system summary, also include the global photovoltaic industry professionals engaged in new energy or a review of the photovoltaic difficult development, solar photovoltaic (pv) network statement: this information is reproduced from the power grid cooperation media or other Internet website, solar photovoltaic network published the article for the purpose of the information, how many money a kilogram of monocrystalline silicon does not mean that agree with his point of view or confirm its description. Although Vietnam photovoltaic policy has a tendency to tilt to north, designed to encourage and promote new energy underdeveloped areas of solar project development, but the latest draft reduced subsidies is expected to be equally across the country, unified. The article content is for reference only. According to the Vietnamese government statistics, the FIT before the subsidy policy has a total of 5 gw of installed photovoltaic push deployment. ( Note: non real-time exchange rate) 。 The draft proposed subsidies do not include VAT (20 years 增值税) , silicon ( General VAT according to the Vietnamese dong versus the dollar exchange rate volatility to adjust) And will apply to July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021, the interconnection between pv projects. Does not involve the use of photovoltaic roof in Vietnam's department of trade and industry to submit a draft of the project, why use silicon chip that is because in July, has been released & other; Photovoltaic roof advance planning & throughout; On July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2021, the phase of the electricity price. Plan by the end of 2025, silicon project installation run 1 gw photovoltaic roof, specific subsidy electricity price is as follows: solar photovoltaic webex: Vietnam make promises in the Paris agreement, photovoltaic power generation by 2030 will account for 20% of the renewable energy power generation. It is worth noting that the photovoltaic (pv) grid along the province until the end of 2021, the nanning is developing projects will continue to apply to the original $0. 0935 / KWh electricity price subsidies. On August 31 last year, the government announced it would was scheduled to expire on June 30, 2019, the policy extended to 12 months. Namely rooftop power feed-in tariff will stay VDN2156 / KWh ( Us $0. 0935 /千瓦时) , but a large projects and large floating ground, power station project of electricity price could be cut to VND1620 / KWh ( $0. 0709/kWh) And VND1758 / KWh ( 0. 0769/KWh) 。