Solar photovoltaic (pv) net news: Ukraine news agency news: on August 5th dnepr petrov regional government power energy synthesis and energy saving bureau said in a news release, the state's private sector installed more than 1500 photovoltaic power station.
solar photovoltaic net news: according to Wood Mackenzie Power&Renewables analysis, over the next three years Europe is expected to add solar power to double, by 2024 will lead to the installed capacity of more than 250 gw.
news that alternative energy is a priority to the development direction, the solar energy is more popular with investors. In addition to large investors, ordinary people also on rooftops and install solar panels. State of the private sector has installed 1546 photovoltaic power station, the total power of 39. 7 mw, among them, 700 power station was installed in 2019.
the state claims to be the state's southern & other; The sun throughout Hong Kong &; Solar power, focus on the most. The plant owner can meet your demand, excess electricity in accordance with the unified green electricity sales and power grid.
solar photovoltaic network statement: this information is reproduced from the power grid cooperation media or other Internet website, solar photovoltaic network published the article for the purpose of the information, does not mean that agree with his point of view or confirm its description. The article content is for reference only.
'photovoltaic (pv) of the world' this is a comprehensive system to introduce photovoltaic summary of past, present and future of the development of corpus, wide-ranging, and can meet the needs of different readers. This paper not only includes editor Wolfgang & middot; Dr Parr, herself, in its new energy career of more than 50 years, the deep understanding of the development of photovoltaic (pv) and system summary, also include the global photovoltaic industry professionals engaged in new energy or a review of the photovoltaic difficult development,