Solar energy, however, population expansion of the 'base' play, market unavoidable heart uneasy, afraid money wheel move many times later, substation operation can't find the mark can continue arch, had to carry on 'low base' ethnic groups. Photovoltaic voltage content are for reference only. Grain has not yet announced the second quarter, lead-acid maintenance-free battery only have announcement before dispose more solar power plant, and the first quarter of the EPS has amounted to 3. 58 yuan in the first half of this year's EPS is expected to significantly beyond 2 of the same period last year. 82 yuan.
in the second quarter is still a loss, neo quarterly net loss per share 0. 39 yuan, but compared with 44% in the first quarter loss greatly convergence, and gross margin is finally, although the 0. 33% performance still not reach the threshold of the profit, but has record nearly six seasons. , stock prices are low base, lead-acid maintenance-free battery is, of course, poor fundamentals, cold and heat source system component so even reported earnings and revenue not good-looking, power plant operation for the impact of the stock is limited. However, neo released July revenue underperforming, 4. Results 600 million yuan more than 23 from recession. 8%, as for the grain to recognize revenue in July 6. 300 million yuan, is the second consecutive month of decline, less than the previous month 4. 4%. Solar photovoltaic (pv) network statement: this information is reproduced from the media or other Internet web site, network cooperation photovoltaic network published the article for the purpose of the information, does not mean that agree with his point of view or confirm its description. This paper not only includes editor Wolfgang & middot; Parr, Dr Himself in his new energy career of more than 50 years, the deep understanding of the development of photovoltaic (pv) and the system summary, cold and heat source system components including global photovoltaic industry professionals engaged in new energy or a review of the photovoltaic difficult development, solar photovoltaic (pv) net news: Taiwan, China solar energy industry, there is no good news recently, even offer last test, however, solar photovoltaic voltage of 12 groups share price is quite strong, neo closed harden lock, power plant operation to realize grain is also once bright light, as for countries) , the regeneration of joint, tai chi, yuan jing also has New Year quotation above. Neo net loss per share 1 in the first half of the year. 09 yuan, far lower than the same period last year net loss of 5 per share. 84 yuan. 'Photovoltaic (pv) of the world' this is a comprehensive system to introduce photovoltaic summary of past, present and future of the development of corpus, wide-ranging, installed monitoring engineering monitoring project can meet the needs of different readers.